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(Applause Books). "As Greek tragedy," says a Spanish writer, "was composed from the crumbs that fell from Homer's table, so the Spanish drama owed its earliest forms to La Celestina (1499)." Fernando de Rojas' tragi-comedy which has also been called "a novel in dialogue" runs to about three hundred pages in the James Mabbe translation, here adapted to the stage by Eric Bentley in a five-act version. The central and pervasive situation is a simple one: a dirty old woman is helping a courtly young gentleman to seduce a girl. The wonder of the thing lies in the art with which Fernando do Rojas derives, from such commonplace materials, a towering tragedy or rather, tragi-comedy.(Applause Books). "As Greek tragedy," says a Spanish writer, "was composed from the crumbs that fell from Homer's table, so the Spanish drama owed its earliest forms to La Celestina (1499)." Fernando de Rojas' tragi-comedy which has also been called "a novel in dialogue" runs to about three hundred pages i


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